Offering high quality Amp Kits, Boutique Amplifiers, Amp Cabinets, Tubes, Transformers, Speakers, and Electronic Components for Amp Builders!!!
***The new Overlord Mod is now available on most blackface models $300. Add D-Style overdrive in place of the normal channel on a BF amp making it two classic tones in one amp combo !!!***
***The Buffalo Mod!!! $200. Replace the Normal Channel on a Marsh Amp with a Tweed distortion circuit! With effects switch to add Reverb and Tremolo to the Tweed Channel!!!***
Check out our Marsh Amplification YouTube Channel for Video Demo's of our models!
Marsh Amp Boutique Models can now be seen, heard and purchased at Wolfe Guitars in Jupiter Florida, on stage with Chris Condon (Nashville Session player), and on tour with The Tom Jackson Band
Please visit our Online Store where you will find our catalog full with the highest quality electronic components, Boutique vintage amplifiers and amp kits.

Mercury Magnetics upgrades available on all Kits and Replicas!!!
![]() Whether it's a replacement speaker for your Fender, Marshall, or Vox amplifier or a complete 5F1 or 5E3 kit, Marsh Amplification has everything for repair, restoration, or build from scratch components for the DIYer. We are proud to be dealers of Mercury Magnetics, NewSensor/Electro Harmonix, Weber, Mojo, and others.
This Month's Special: Free Buffalo Mod on a Marsh Clifton Reverb via Paypal Rebate!!! |